Saturday, October 1, 2011


The cloud forest just outside Mindo
The area northwest of Quito drops sharply from nearly 3,000 meters to just over 1,000 by the time it reaches the town of Mindo, a tiny, quiet town nestled in the middle of cloud forest reminiscent of areas like Monte Verde in Costa Rica. It is a little hard to access by bus, which probably helps keep it quieter than other locations.

Up near the path to the waterfalls.
A few kilometers up the road, across a valley that can either be crossed rapidly by a tarabita (hand-powered cable car) or more leisurely through a gorgeous stroll, is a series of five waterfalls. None of the waterfalls are spectacular, but the sheer number make the walk quite scenic.

Part of a series of five waterfalls a few kilometers from Mindo

Another in the series
 Mindo is also home to a large number of birds, very colorful and ranging in size from hummingbird to large birds of prey. The area is also home to butterfly farms. The town itself is just a few square blocks.

A second late from a great shot.

A cool, abandoned building that used to be a hostel

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